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How Class Action Lawsuits Are Hampering Big Businesses

Class Action Lawsuits

People have heard of cases of customers suing big corporations to get a large amount of compensations. But most of those cases have some kind of substance or truth behind it. Among these cases, today, there is a growing trend of companies defending themselves against something known as a ‘class action lawsuit’. These lawsuits are costing big companies huge parts of their profit and their reputation in the market. Now, what makes this lawsuit in particular so special? This article is going to answer exactly this by considering the infamous case study of fasciablaster.

case study of fasciablaster

What Is A Class Action Lawsuit?

A class-action lawsuit or a class suit devised during the early 2000s is a type of lawsuit that gives a common person or an individual the ability to fight against humongous and evil corporations. It is quite evident that the origin of this lawsuit was for a good cause, but nowadays, people are misusing it for their own personal gains. Large companies are being sued over baseless accusations. Today, some of the other corporations is being put under a class action lawsuit.

Fasciablaster – A Case Study

The company fasciablaster, which sells a unique massage device to remove cuticles under the skin has been put under numerous class action lawsuits by some particularly feisty individuals under the claim that the device was causing skin bruises. Now while that was true in some cases, the whole idea of a class-action lawsuit is based on the fact that there must be thousands of people affected by corporate wrongdoing. The corporation shouldn’t be expected to defend a class suit that comes from less than 20 people around the globe. But even after that, fasciablaster faced a serious degradation of reputation and profits after these lawsuits.

Citizens all around the globe should understand that while class suits are put in place for their own benefit, it should be used responsibly and not to gain personal merit and credibility.